As our previous article discussed there is an increasing need for good information about weight loss. Moreover, how to lose weight healthily. Following the advice from the previous article is essential for weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight. However, you can boost your weight loss by supporting it with supplementation.
Ingredients and research
Our T5 Vitamin has been designed by expert Nutritionists to aid weight loss. It contains bitter orange, caffeine, taurine, green tea, guarana, vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, iron, capsicum, and zinc.
In this article, we will go through each nutrient, talk a little bit about its background and how they may aid weight loss.
Bitter orange
Bitter orange is also known as Citrus aurantium. It’s native to eastern Africa, Southeast Asia and Syria. However, the modern world has allowed for transport and growth in California and Florida too. Bitter orange is thought to be a mix between a pomelo and a mandarin orange. Its active compound is called p-synephrine, this compound is thought to be linked to claims such as fat metabolism, weight loss, and may act as an appetite suppressant.
Studies have shown that synephrine found in bitter orange can increase resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure which is conducive to weight loss. One study reported the following:
‘T he participants receiving the herbal mixture containing Citrus aurantium lost an average of 1.4 kg in 6 weeks, dropping from 90.9 to 89.5 kg (a 1.5% change), which was a statistically significant within-group change from baseline (P=0.05). Participants receiving the placebo lost an average of 0.9 kg, dropping from 83.6 to 82.7 kg (a 1.1% change).
Green Tea
Green tea is also known as Camellia sinensis. It’s native to China as far back as 2737
B.C. The anecdote goes that a Chinese emperor accidentally drank water with the boiled leaves of the Camellia sinensis - h ere is where the tradtion began.
The active ingredients in Green tea are polyphenols called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. Green tea has been linked to numerous approved health benefits, but those best associated with weight are blood glucose maintenance, fat oxidation and dietary-induced thermogenesis (D.I.T).
D.I.T is that overheating feeling you get after a large meal. This is a natural mechanism the body employs to burn some of the excess intakes of energy as thermal energy. Green tea has been shown to increase this. Reasearch has supported this with an increase in 24hr energy expenditure and fat oxidation following intake of green tea extract.
Guarana or the Paullinia cupana, i s native to the Brazilian Amazon and Venezuela. It
has been popular in this region for years due to its caffeine-rich fruits. Typically, guarana contains between 2-10% caffeine. An anecdotal story of guarana comes from the late 17th century. Missionary João Felipe Betendorf noted that a drink (of guarana) gave the natives “‘so much energy, that when hunting, they could go from one day to the next without feeling hungry”.
A study using a combination of Guarana and Ma Huang found the following “The active treatment produced a significantly greater loss of weight and fat over the 8-week treatment period than the placebo...” .
Further to this, Guarana contains caffeine. Caffeine has been shown to boost metabolism and stimulate weight loss over 12 hours by 3-10%.
Capsicum annum is also known as Cayenne chilli peppers. They are native to North and South America. These are traditionally used in cooking but have been concentrated for use in supplements. The active ingredient of chilli or the ‘spice element’ is called capsaicin. Traditional medicine taken from the Flora Medica of 1838 said that Capsicum can be used to help gout, flatulence and even paralysis.
Anecdotally, lower rates of obesity have been found in diets rich in capsaicin. Studies show that a dosage of 6mg/kg of body weight can help to lower abdominal fat over a 12 week period.
Furthermore, capsicum has been shown to help maintain weight loss too. One study looked at those that had already lost 5-10% of their body weight. The results showed that when compared to placebo those that were on capsaicin treatment managed to maintain fat oxidation.
Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12
Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine, Vitamin B2 is known as Riboflavin, Vitamin B3 is known as Niacin, and Vitamin B12 is known as cobalamin. Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B12 carry the EFSA** approved health claim that they contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism. This has been added to the formula to improve energy metabolism and to capitalise on the energy taken from your food.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is known as pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, dependent on the
chemical structure. Vitamin B6 carries numerous health claims, including:
● Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism
● Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism
This means that it helps to utilise the energy from your food. Also, it helps to metabolise and use protein and carbohydrates. Protein can be used for repair and keep muscles strong. When you are in calorie-deficit your body will use carbohydrate, then fat, and then protein as energy. Keeping sufficient levels of protein will prevent your muscles from wastage (alongside exercise). Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrate, found in the liver and muscles. Vitamin B6 helps to metabolise this for use in the active organs.
Minerals/Trace Elements
Iron can be in the ferric (Fe+3) or ferrous (Fe+2) form. Iron is known for multiple health
benefits particularly associated with blood. Iron is a structural component of red blood cells which can help to carry nutrients around the body. Moreover, Iron is required for energy metabolism and reducing fatigue.
Zinc is similar in function to Vitamin B6. It carries an EFSA** approved health claim for macronutrient metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism. This means zinc makes the best use of the food you eat. Especially important whilst losing weight and wanting to feel the beneficial effects of improving your health.
Caffeine and Taurine are both stimulants within the body. Caffeine carries approved health claims that are relevant to energy stimulation for exercise and reducing the perception of effort.
To this day, scientists are yet to approve exactly how caffeine affects the body. It’s thought to be via the central nervous system and stimulation of the adrenal system. However, this is yet to be confirmed. That being said studies have shown that caffeine intake may promote weight loss, BMI and body fat reduction. Moreover, this weight loss is thought to be brought about by a combination of thermogenesis and fat oxidation.
Please note that this supplement should be taken alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle to see the best results. Always read the label and do not exceed the stated dosage.
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● **EFSA - European food safety authority